Graham Payne: 1972 – 2020
I want to take a minute to recognise the untimely death of my business partner and friend Graham Payne.
Graham was the co-founding partner of RED and he had a vision to build this business and leave a legacy. Those who worked with him knew that Graham was never about the money, he was more interested in ensuring that RED provided the best possible advice for our clients.
Graham was driven to build a business that we could be proud of, one that partnered with our clients and not jut treated them as a means to make money. A business that put our clients and our staff first. It was these shared principles and goals that drove Graham and myself to run the business they way that we did.
I am driven by a similar passion and I am determined now more than ever to ensure the success of our business through hard work and the provision of expert advice to our clients.
Graham and I have built a business which focusses on providing real estate advice to UK companies who do not have real estate expertise in house. This will continue to be the focus of the business going forward.
I would like to take the opportunity of thanking all of our clients that we have worked with over the years and we look forward to continuing and growing our relationships in the coming years.
By Patrick Neville